Historical Marker Search

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This point marks the junction of three important Indian land cessions.?????Treaty of Fort Wayne, 1803?????Treaty of Grouseland, 1805?????Treaty of Fort Wayne, 1809The corner was established by Surveyor Thomas Freeman in 1803.
Thomas Freeman surveyed the Vincennes Tract 1802-1803. The northeast corner of this tract is located 839 ft. N. and 48 ft. E.Placed by Lost River Chapter D.A.R.1935.
Dedicated to those who served(Leftmost Panel of Brick Memorials)First Column:Grant C. Cornwell - (USAAC - S/SGT) - (2-1942 to 10-1945) -·- Lester R. Cornwell - (USN - GM3/C) - (8-1944 to 2-1946) -·- Leland W. Cornwell - (USA - CPL) -…
(East Side)Dedicated in honorof those who gavetheir lives in theservice of theircountry that wemight live in freedom(North Side)World War IWarren J. Brock · Wesley Edwards · Everett M. Finkbiner · Leopal Ford · Claude S…
This bell rung in the Orleans Academy building when built in 1864, remained in the enlarged public school building until it was razed in 1965.
Side A: Orleans was platted March 11, 1815. This town square, called Congress Square, was part of the plat. Orleans Academy was built here 1866, in operation by 1867. In 1870s, the Academy was purchased, and its building was made part of the publi…