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American troops encampedbetween the Hackensack andPassaic Rivers, were orderedby Washington, Nov. 21, 1776,to cross the Passaic here.After dismantling the bridge,they marched across Jersey.The Tap House oftenwas used as a headquarters.
To keep in perpetual remembrancethe names of the real Daughtersof the American Revolutionburied here
Rachel Benson · Lena Brower · Maria Egbertse · Peggy Garrison · Elizabeth Hoffer · Margaret Kenter · …
This property granted for church purposesby the Lord Proprietors of East Jersey294 years ago, in the year 1682.
Provision was made in the grant for atriangle or "gore" for the church.
The first church building, "Old First"Dutch Reformed Chur…
This stone marks the siteof the old district school ofAcquackanonkdating from 1693 to 1870also known asNassau Hall Academy(then two stories in height)where boys prepared forPrinceton Collegemany of them becomingwell known ministers, lawyers,judges…
This tablet marks the grave ofHenry Garritsewho died July 13, 1805, aged 84.
A revolutionary patriot, member ofthe Committee of Correspondence,Provincial Congress, and first memberof the legislature from Acquackanonk.
Claverack Chapter D.A.R…
These two tombstones stood at theheads of the graves about 75 feetnorthwest of this spot.The bolt and shaft bearing weretaken from the old gristmill atJohn Halmagh Post's birthplace,Sloughter Dam, now 472 River Road,Garfield, New Jersey.Elizabeth …
In memory of the Minute Men of 1776 and the soldiers and sailors of the Revolutionary War and especially of Captain John H. Post who lies buried here and whose destruction of Acquacknonk Bridge saved General Washington's army from capture in its r…
Under the parent of this treeWashingtonfirst took command of theAmerican Army July 3rd 1775.
Planted by theAquackanonk LandingChapter D.A.R. 1932
[ Side One: ]A tribute of honor toGeorge Washingtonand his army,and a memorial to thespirit that foundedand preserved theRepublic.
[ Side Two: ]WashingtonUnique in characterBlameless in privatelife and public officeChampion of LibertyFriend of …
To Honor William Alexander - Lord Stirling1725 - 1783American Patriot - Friend of WashingtonLord Stirlingcrossed Acquackanonk Bridge with eightregiments of New Jersey Militia,November 14, 1776.
Set up headquartersat Blanchard House opposite the…