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Page 14 of 22 — Showing results 131 to 140 of 218
A walk along the Breakthrough Trail is a journey into history! On April 2, 1865, thousands of Union and Confederate soldiers clashed here to determine the fate of Petersburg and Richmond. The Breakthrough Trail leads past many original features of…
"? after going through a leaden and war hail storm, thanks to the God of Battles, I am alive and happy. Our Corps charged the enemy's lines last night, broke their line and drove them out of sight ? I never felt more like fighting than I have toda…
The main line of entrenchments behind you was only one part of the entire defensive network established here by the Confederates. Southern soldiers removed all the trees in front of their works to create a clear field of fire. They used the wood t…
Sergeant John E. Buffington 6th Maryland Infantry, 2nd Brigade,3rd Division (Seymour), Sixth Corps Resident: Carroll County, Maryland Enlisted: August 1862 Sergeant John Ezra Buffington, with five other men of his regiment, stormed the…
At various intervals along their lines, Confederate defenders constructed gun emplacements, called redans, such as the one in front of you. Each redan would hold as few as one or as many as six cannons. Virtually every square inch of ground in fro…
On the evening of April 1, 1865, Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant issued orders for a massive attack against the Confederate lines defending Petersburg. Grant scheduled the assault for the following morning. In the pre-dawn darkness of April…
The Confederate troops who defended this portion of the works belonged to Brigadier General James H. Lane's North Carolina Brigade. These Tarheels assumed responsibility here on March 30 after McGowan's Brigade moved several miles west to plug a g…
Lieutenant Colonel George B. Damon 10th Vermont Infantry, 1st Brigade,3rd Division (Seymour), Sixth Corps Resident: Newbury, Vermont Enlisted: August 1862 Colonel Damon's regiment, the 10th Vermont Infantry, struck the Confederate tren…
Near here, the 6th Maryland Infantry (Union) made their penetration of the Confederate fortifications. Major Clifton K. Prentiss, a 29-year-old from Baltimore, helped lead his unit in the Breakthrough only to fall wounded with a rifle ball in his …
Lieutenant Colonel Ronald A. Kennedy 5th Vermont Infantry, 2nd Brigade,2nd Division (Getty), Sixth Corps Resident: Concord, Vermont Enlisted: June 18, 1861 Kennedy and his men passed this very spot during their attack on April 2, 1865.…
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