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Page 19 of 22 — Showing results 181 to 190 of 218
"This fort has cost more labour than any other, has afforded an admirable lesson in engineering, and is one of the sights to show to strangers. Further than this I doubt the value of its elaborateness." - Col. Charles Wainwright, USA November 20, …
Fort Gregg Confederate Defense Line Apr. 2, 1865 ————Erected Apr. 2, 1914By A.P. Hill Camp S.C.V.
"Men, the salvation of Lee's army is in your keeping." - Maj. Gen. Cadmus Wilcox to the defenders of Fort Gregg, April 2, 1865 On the afternoon of April 2, 1865, after a morning of bludgeoning attacks all along the Petersburg lines, 5,000 Feder…
In memory of the valorous service of Regiments and Companies of the U.S. Colored Troops Army of the James and Army of the Potomac Siege of Petersburg 1864 - 65
"The romance of a soldier's life disappears in a siege. The change of scenery and the lively marches are gone, and the same monotonous unvaried rounds of toil take their place. Sunday and weekday are all alike." T.M. Blythe 50th N.Y. Engineers …
Here at Petersburg on June 15, 1864, African-American troops recorded their first major success of the war in Virginia. "They made a splendid charge?and won great favor in the eyes of white soldiers by their courage and bravery." - Wilbur Fiske…
"Regular Army wiseacres said it was not feasible - that I could not carry the ventilation that distance without digging a hole to the surface? But I have succeeded." - Lt. Col. Henry Pleasants, 48th Pennsylvania July 23, 1864 The most serious p…
"We could blow that damn fort out of existence if we could run a mine shaft under it." - A private of the 48th Pennsylvania June 23, 1864 Spurred by the offhand suggestion of a former coal miner, on June 25, 1864, Lieutenant Colonel Henry Pleas…
"I counted 21 Union flags flying from the Crater and these works. The sight gave me no hope of ever getting away alive."- Capt. James E. Phillips, 12th Virginia Infantry Union disorganization gave the Confederates the time they needed to respon…
"It is agreed that the thing was a perfect success, except that it did not succeed." - Major Charles F. Adams, Jr., USA The explosion cleared the Union path to Petersburg. But instead of pushing through, the first waves of Union attackers simpl…