You searched for City|State: petersburg, va
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Did you know the end of the American Civil War started here?On the morning of April 2, 1865 you would have been standing near the center of the battle that decided the nine-month campaign for Petersburg and Richmond. In the pre-dawn darkness of th…
Life was a lot simpler back then?or was it? You are standing near the center of a once successful and productive mid-19th century farm. To your right is the main house, Tudor Hall, built in two stages before the Civil War. When the armies arrived …
Trail Sites
1. Pocahontas: In 1784, four small towns at the convergence of three counties (Pocahontas in Chesterfield, Blandford in Prince George, and Petersburg and Ravenscroft in Dinwiddie) were combined and incorporated as Petersburg, soon h…
Erected by Genl. R.E. LeeAug. 1864
Peabody High School, originally the Colored High School, was established in 1870 in the old First Baptist Church located on Harrison Street. The second school was built here on this site facing Filmore Street. The current site of the school is on …
Scottish emigrant James Weddell (1807-1865) built this Greek Revival house about 1845 and lived there until his death. In 1865, Capt. W. Gordon McCabe (1841-1920) bought the house. Over the second half of the 19th century, he published many works …
Spot whereA. P. Hillwas killed.
Petersburg is in the midst of a downtown renaissance, fueled by the arts and driven by the creative spirit of the community. Historically a center of culture and trade for the region, Petersburg's abundant natural resources and rich history are dr…
On April 25, 1871, a British army force of 2,500 soldiers under the command of Genera! William PhilIips attacked Petersburg, hoping to capture the American military supplies here and eventually link up with General Cornwallis' army coming to Peter…
The Petersburg area has an extraordinarily rich African-American heritage. In 1625, most of the Africans in Virginia were servants at Flowerdew Hundred, nearby in Prince George County. In the 18th century, tens of thousands of newly enslaved Afric…