Historical Marker Search

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Page 13 of 25 — Showing results 121 to 130 of 250
Historic LandmarkFirst United Methodist ChurchWeary and Kramer, H. Wagoner, Architects1893-95, 1952
Historic LandmarkEast Liberty Presbyterian ChurchBuilt 1931-1935Cram & Ferguson, Architects
Historic LandmarkCongregation B'nai IsraelBuilt 1923Henry Hornbostel, Architect
Was present at the defeat of Braddock in 1755 and took part in all the subsequent wars until the Treaty of Greenville in 1795, after which he remained the friend and ally of the United States.
January 2, 1921 from Calvary Church for the first time in history a church service was broadcasted by radio wireless by the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company.
Office and Studio228 Isabella StreetThis property has been placed on the National Register of Historic PlacesBy the United States Department of The Interior
Louis & Michael Beezer Brothers, architectsJohn T. Comes, designer1903
At this exact location, one play changed the history of a storied franchise. The Immaculate Reception is a play that forever will be remembered as the turning point for the Pittsburgh Steelers, a moment that clinched the first playoff win in their…
A nationally influential church architect and a prolific writer and lecturer. Com was recognized for his philosophy regarding design and decoration of Catholic churches. A Pittsburgh resident, his commissions, including Saint Agnes here, are locat…
Saint Boniface Roman Catholic Church1925-1926A.F. Link, Architect
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