You searched for City|State: plymouth, ma
Showing results 1 to 10 of 44
Since, 1970 Native Americans have gathered at noon on Cole's Hill in Plymouth to commemorate a National Day of Mourning on the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday.
Many Native Amaericans do not celebrate the arrival of the Pilgrams and other European sett…
The Pilgrams landed in Plymouth, America's Hometown, in December 1620. Covering 102 square miles, it is the largest town in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Plymouth's shoreline stretches 37 miles along Cape Cod Bay and with its boundaries lay 3…
Pilgrim Memorial State Park is designed around Plymouth Rock, a large glacial boulder deposited in the harbor and smoothed by centuries of tidal wash. The rock is not only a landmark, but also a symbol of the courage and faith of the men and women…
Plymouth, "America's Hometown" is the site of the first permanent settlement of English Colonists in New England. Climb aboard Mayflower II, a recreation of the ship that sailed the Pilgrims to the new world . . . and learn of their 66-d…
In memoriamElder William BrewsterPatriarch of the Pilgrimsand their ruling elder 1609-1644Outstanding leader of Pilgrim movement,the founding of Plimouth Plantationand the establishment of civil andreligious liberty in the New World.B. at Scroo…
They believed in religious freedomin honor ofEdward DotyPassenger on the MayflowerErected byDescendants of Eliza Doty GravathA pioneer to Utah in 1850
H IWilliamBradfordof AusterfieldYorkshireEngland. Was theson of Williamand Alice Bradford.He was Governor ofPlymouth Colonyfrom1621 to 1633163516371639 to 16431645 to 1657< Rear of obelisk : >Under this stonerest the ashes ofWillm Bradfor…
Here lies buried ye body ofMr. Thomas ClarkeAged 98.Departed this life March 24, 1697.Thomas Clarke was Mate of the Mayflower according to tradition in the Plymouth and connecting Colonies. History gives his arrival in Plymouth from England in the…
was built here in 1770.This building erected in 1920is dedicated to those descendantsof the Pilgrims,by birth or of the spirit, who helpedestablish American Independence.—————Massachusetts Society of theSons of the Am…
The Massachusetts Society of the Sons of the American Revolution came to Plymouth on October 12, 1920 to dedicate this replica of the old Powder House. The original structure had been erected in Plymouth in 1779 and removed about 1880.The Society …