You searched for City|State: port jervis, ny
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This Model 1999 [sic - it was No. 199 produced] 12pd. Napoleon Civil War era (1861-1865) cannon was built by Revere Copper Company and inspected by Thomas Jefferson Rodman (T.J.R.), the Ordinance [sic - Ordnance] Inspector. His initials are stampe…
In honor of the brave patriots
who sacrificed their lives, fortunes,
and sacred honor, and whose wisdom,
determination, and fortitude
brought forth a new nation under God,
dedicated to liberty and freedom.
"We the People"
September 1787 -…
In honor of all the men and women who
served our nation in Korea from 1950 - 1953
In Memoriam
to those men and women from the Tri-State Area
who made the supreme sacrifice in the
service of their country
[Roll of Honored Dead]
William K. …
In this park Stephen Crane
interviewed men of the famed
Civil War Orange Blossoms
regiment and then wrote
The Red Badge of Courage,
published in 1895
In honor of all the men and women who
served our nation in Vietnam from 1959 - 1975
In Memoriam
to those men and women from the Tri-State Area
who made the supreme sacrifice in the
service of their country
[Roll of Honored Dead]
Peter P. …
This monument is dedicated to those
who have made the ultimate sacrifice
in the service of their country in the
war against terrorism
[Roll of Honored Dead]
Brian L. Pavlich, SSgt, US Army, 3/11/2003
Irving Medina, Spc, US Army, 11/14/2003…
Second N. Y. regiment, on way to Stroudsburg May 7, 1779 to build road to Wyoming for Sullivan's march against Indians.
Along this old road are scenes of events in the raid by the Mohawk Chief, Joseph Brant, July 20, 1779
School here was burned by raiders July 20, 1779. Teacher scalped, boys made prisoners; girls saved by Brant's mark on aprons.
Major Decker's stockaded house on this site burned by Brant's raiders, July 20, 1779. Militia pursuing Brant rallied here.