You searched for City|State: prairie du chien, wi
Showing results 1 to 10 of 14
Smoke stacks and paddle wheels. In the summer of 1823 the steamboat Virginia successfully negotiated the dangerous rapids at the mouth of the Des Moines River and became the first steam-powered vessel to navigate the upper Mississippi. By the …
Fort Crawford. The War of 1812 convinced America that in order to control their vast country they must occupy and develop it. In Prairie Du Chien this process began with the construction of Fort Crawford in the summer of 1816 Symbol of govern…
Prairie du ChienVeterans Memorial[emblems of the military service branches]
Lest We ForgetFor us they servedFor us they gaveNow in one accordWe do them honor
Dedicated to allmen and womenof Crawford County Wisconsinwho served this great nationfor God and countryin military service
Honor RollIn memoriamto the men of …
Born Lebanon, Conn. 1785Died St. Louis, Mo. 1853At old Fort Crawford, one mile and a half northwest of this spot, one hundred years ago, Doctor Beaumont, a surgeon in the United States Army, performed those experiments on Alexis St. Martin which l…
L'ancien Cimetiere FrancaisBlessed by Father Dunand May 6, 1817
Here, on grounds long used by Indians,French 'hommes du nord' buried their loved ones.Present Markers - Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Gardipi 1845 · Jean Joseph Rolette 1842 ·…
Lieutenant United States ArmyAssigned Fort Crawford 1831Served here with distinctionduring Black Hawk WarHero in Mexican War 1846-1848 United States CongressmanSenator, Secretary of WarPresidentConfederate States of America1861-1865
Erected by…
The first Fort Crawford was built in 1816, and stood on the site now occupied by the "Villa Louis." After a decade of Mississippi River flooding, the U. S. Army relocated Fort Crawford to this site, constructing the new fort of locally quarried li…
On August 2, 1832, the Black Hawk War effectively ended when the U.S. Military massacred many followers of Sauk Indian leader Black Hawk at the Battle of Bad Axe, located about 35 miles north of here. Black Hawk, known as Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak…
In 1673, Louis Jolliet, Canadian fur-trader and explorer, and Father Jacques Marquette, French Jesuit Missionary, with five French Canadian boatmen, were the first white men to enter the upper Mississippi River.
Indians directed them to the Gre…