You searched for City|State: rockland, me
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As blues has spread from Mississippi to the far corners of the country and the world, the state of Maine has assumed an active role in the presentation and promotion of the music to appreciative local audiences ever since Mississippi born blues gi…
Dedicated to Rockland PatrolmanJohn D. ChapmanLaw Enforcement OfficerKilled in the Line of Dutyat this location on February 16, 1938
To the memory of those men who claiming Rocklandby birth or by adoption as their homeserved in the Army & Navy of the United StatesWar of 1861-1865
Here stood for many years the home ofEdwin Libby Post No. 16Grand Army of the Republicof the Sta…
[Historical Excerpt Transcribed]
General InformationThe Rockland Harbor Trail is easy to follow. Allow you and your imagination enjoy the Harbor sights along the way. The trail is approximately 5.5. mile[s] from beginning to end, linking many o…
This historic Coast Guard Bell from Portland Head Light is being loaned to the City of Rockland (a Coast Guard City) for their outstanding support of the men and women of the United States Coast Guard
In memory of theSoldiers and Sailorsof Rocklandwho gave their livesfor their country1861-1865
Lest We Forgetthe Volunteers whogave their services and livesin the Cause of Liberty inthe War with Spain
[Historical Excerpt Transcribed]
General InformationThe Rockland Harbor Trail is easy to follow. Allow you and your imagination enjoy the Harbor sights along the way. The trail is approximately 5.5. mile[s] from beginning to end, linking many o…
Walter H. Piston, a noted American composer, author and music educator, was born in Rockland, Maine on January 20, 1894. His long and distinguished career earned him many awards and honors, including two Pulitzer Prizes in Music in 1948 and 1961. …
We, the citizensof this community,enshrine forever the gloriousmemory of our boys and girls,living and deadwho served their countryin World Wars I and II
Erected Nov. 11, 1948