You searched for City|State: san jacinto, ca
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The first school in Goffs opened its doors for the fall term in 1911 serving the needs of cattle ranches, mining districts, homesteaders, the railroad, and, most of all, the people supporting expanding travel on the National Old Trails Road - Late…
Three miles west of this site, on July 14, 1937, three Soviet aviators completed a transpolar flight from Moscow in 62 hours, 17 minutes, establishing a new world's nonstop distance record of 6,305 miles. The huge single-engine aircraft, an ANT-25…
Near this site on July 14, 1937, three Russian aviators completed a transpolar flight from Moscow in 62 hrs, 17 min establishing a new world's nonstop distance record of 6,305 miles. The huge single-engine aircraft, an ANT-25 military reconnaissan…