Historical Marker Search

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Now a relic from the days when Monterey road served as cattle trail; stage route, and Mission road between San Francisco, Santa Clara, and Monterey, Coyote Post Office was once the oldest surviving and functioning post office in Santa Clara County…
For generations the Ohlone Indians followed the path along the Alamitos Creek to find cinnabar in a cave in the nearby hills. They traded the mineral, used it in religious ceremonies and decorated their bodies. Elsewhere in the world, quicksilver,…
One of three complete adobe houses in New Almaden made of creek gravel and adobe mud.In 1855 a plan of the settlement of the Hacienda, including all homes south of Casa Grande (the manager;s home), to the reduction works of the New Almaden Mine, s…
Cinnabar was first found in the Senador Mine area before 1863. Systematic development recovered more than 20,000 flasks (1,500,000 pounds) between 1909 and 1926. Under the direction of John Drew, development started by trenching the outcrops of…
Only complete four room, oven-dried brick house in New Almaden.Appointed Cashier, Hacienda Forman and Secretary of the Miners Fund by the Manager Mr. Randol, Robert R. Bulmore moved into this cottage in September, 1878.Mr. Bulmore's avocation was …
Built by Barron, Forbes & Company in the late 1840's, this cottage is one of several houses with a brick basement. Individuals who rented this house included William Flemming, John Marr, George Granger, and Thomas Barrett. Theodore S. Shaw, a s…
Robert Scott, a native of Canada, arrived in New Almaden in 1864. He was co-inventor of the Huttner & Scott Furnace in 1876, the furnace that revolutionized the reduction of quicksilver and saved the Quicksilver Mining Company from bankruptcy. Thi…
Home of H. J. Huttner, a mechanical engineer, who in 1874 worked with brick layer Robert Scott to design and build the first highly efficient ore extracting furnace. This house of modest wood and brick construction was typical of others along t…
Here in 1848 was built the first two story adobe hotel in California. Originally a boarding house, the building was converted into a small hotel to accommodate visitors at the mining settlement. Destroyed by fire in 1874 and later rebuilt. Afte…
Drilling contests were the miners' own distinctive event. The contest pitted individuals or teams of two miners against one another. They centered on hand-drilling, an essential aspect of the hard-rock miners' work. Drilling contests tested the pa…