Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: san simon, az

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Dedicated to the Engineering Achievements ofPercy Jones, Jr.1888 -Chief locating engineer who by sheer genius personally located more miles of Arizona highways than any other person. His college training in mining and geology combined with instinc…
Dedicated to the Engineering Achievements ofPercy Jones, Jr.1888 -Chief locating engineer who by sheer genius personally located more miles of Arizona highways than any other person. His college training in mining and geology combined with instinc…
A Regional LegacyCochise. Geronimo. Though their reputations were fierce, the Chiricahua Apaches didn't stop explorers, prospectors, settlers, and merchants from Westward immigration. To establish a lifeline between the East and California, the Bu…
"Near here Geronimo, last Apache Chieftain and Nachite with their followers surrendered on Sept. 6th 1886 to General Nelson A. Miles. U. S. Army. Lieutenant Chas. B. Gatewood with Kieta and Martine Apache scouts, risked their lives to enter the ca…