You searched for City|State: sharon, ct
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Revolutionary WarAbel David · Abel Sluman · Abel William · Ackley Ariel · Ackley David · Ackley Jude · Ackley Thomas Jr · Ady Thomas · Allen Amos · Allen Ichabod · Ames Samuel &…
Site of the 2ndHouse of Worship in SharonGeorge WhitefieldPreached Here June 18, 1770Text - "Marvel not that I said unto Thee, Ye must be born again." John 3, 7An Immense Congregation Assembled
DedicatedIn Grateful Tribute ToThe Men And Women OfSharonWho Have Served Our CountrySince The Founding Of The TownIn 1739
In Memory OfOur MotherEmily Butler Ogden WheelerAnno Domini MDCCCLXXXIV[ east side ] Hours are golden links. God's token.Reaching Heaven: but one by one.Take them lest the chain be broken.Ere the pilgrimage be done.
SharonThe first grant of land in Sharon, later known as the "Jackson Patent" near Amenia Union, was surveyed in 1732, at which time the boundaries of the Town were established. The patent was granted in 1734 by the General Assembly of the Colony o…
ErectedbyThe Town of SharonIn memory of the bravemen who enlisted fromthis Township in the Warof the Rebellion and fellin the struggle to maintainthe UnionAnno Domini MDCCCLXXXV[ east side ] Dwight StudleyWilliam SloverCharles TreadwayJohn EbyEdwa…
Francis L. Sheane Memorial In Memory Of A Great SportsmanCommissionerFrancis L. SheaneThis Memorial IsDedicated To AFellow SportsmanWho Devoted HisLife To ImproveWildlife RestorationAnd To BetterFishing And HuntingIn This State1948