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Page 8 of 22 — Showing results 71 to 80 of 219
(Front):15th Reg. Mass. Vols.
Here, September 17, 1862, the Fifteenth Reg. Mass. Volunteers, with the First Company Andrew Sharpshootersattached, 606 men of all ranks, commanded byLieut. Col. John W. Kimball, Gorman's Brigade.Sedgwick's Divisio…
C.S.A.Longstreet's Command.Ransom's Brigade, Walker's Division.Brig. Gen. Robert Ransom, Jr., Commanding.Organization.24th, 25th, 35th and 49th North Carolina Infantry.Branch's (Va.) Battery, Field Artillery.September 17, 1862.Ransom's Brigade rea…
C.S.A.Jackson's Command.Early's Brigade, Ewell's Division.Brig. Gen. Jubal A. Early, Commanding.Organization.13th 25th 31st 44th 49th 52d & 58th Virginia Infantry.September 16-17, 1862. No.1.On the night of the 16th, Early's Brigade bivouacked in …
C.S.A.Ewell's Division, Jackson's Command.Brigadier General A.R. Lawton,Commanding.(September 15-16, 1862.)Ewell's Division left Harper's Ferry on the night of September 15th, crossed the Potomac at Blackford's Ford and reached Sharpsburg on the m…
C.S.A.Longstreet's Command.Barksdale's Brigade, McLaws' Division.Brig. Gen. William Barksdale, Commanding.Organization.13th, 17th, 18th and 21st Mississippi Infantry.September 17, 1862.Barksdale's Brigade crossed the Potomac at Blackford's Ford ab…
C.S.A.Jackson's Command.Early's Brigade, Ewell's Division.Brig. Gen. Jubal A. Early, Commanding.Organization.13th 25th 31st 44th 49th 52d & 58th Virginia Infantry.September 17-18, 1862. No.2.After supporting Jackson's Division in repulsing the rig…
U.S.A.Second Army Corps.Howard's Brigade, Sedgwick's Division,Brig. Gen. O.O. Howard, Commanding,Organization.69th Pennsylvania Infantry,71st Pennsylvania Infantry,72d Pennsylvania Infantry,106th Pennsylvania Infantry.September 17, 1862.Howard's B…
U.S.A.Second Army CorpsDana's Brigade, Sedgwick's DivisionBrig. Gen. N.J.T. Dana, Commanding.Organization.19th Massachusetts Infantry,20th Massachusetts Infantry,7th Michigan Infantry,42nd New York Infantry,59th New York Infantry,September 17, 186…
U.S.A.Second Army Corps,Gorman's Brigade, Sedgwick's Division,Brig. Gen. Willis A. Gorman, Commanding.Organization.15th Massachusetts Infantry,1st Minnesota Infantry,34th New York Infantry,82d New York Infantry,Massachusetts Sharpshooters (1st Co.…
(Front Inscription):OHIO12th Infantry
Commanded byCol. Carr B. WhiteHugh Ewings (1st) BrigadeKanawha DivisionNinth Army CorpsArmy of the Potomac
(Rear Inscription):This Regiment advanced to this place on the afternoon of September 17, 1862. …