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Page 33 of 54 — Showing results 321 to 330 of 538
C.S.Wharton's Texas Rangers,UnassignedArmy of the MississippiThis regiment was engaged here at 4 p.m., April 6, 1862. It charged the enemy; was repulsed and retired to north of Oglesby's headquarters where it bivouacked Sunday night.
U.S.13th Iowa Infantry,Hare's (1st) Brig., McClernand's (1st) Div.,Army of the Tennessee.At about 4.30 p.m. April 6, 1862, this regiment was engaged here, repelling a cavalry charge. It moved to left rear 400 yards where it was engaged for a few m…
C.S.Hill's (5th) Tenn., 23d Tenn., 24th Tenn.,Cleburne's (2d) Brig., Hardee's Corps,Army of the Mississippi.These regiments were engaged here at about4.30 p.m. April 6, 1862. They afterwards advanced until checked by the fire of field artillery an…
U.S.13th Iowa Infantry,Hare's (1st) Brig., McClernand's (1st) Div.,Army of the Tennessee.This regiment, while moving from its position near Cavalry Field, became engaged here at about 4.30 p.m. April 6, 1862. It retired in good order and joined Tu…
U.S.Army of the Tennessee.81st Ohio Infantry,McArthur's (2d) Brigade,W.H.L. Wallace's (2d) Division.This regiment formed the left of McClernand's line of battle Monday April 7, 1862 and came into position here at 9 a.m. It advanced to the south-ea…
U.S.14th Illinois, 25th Indiana,Veatch's (2d) Brig., Hurlbut's (4th) Div.,Army of the Tennessee.These regiments, in order as above, were engaged at 4:30 P.M. April 6, 1862 and assisted in repelling the charge of Pond's Brigade.
U.S.29th Illinois Infantry,Raith's (3d) Brig., McClernand's (1st) Div.,Army of the Tennessee.This regiment was engaged here at 4.30 p.m. April 6, 1862 and assisted in repelling a cavalry charge and an attack by Pond's brigade. It then retired to t…
C.S.18th La., Orleans Guard, 16th La.,Pond's (3rd) Brig., Ruggles' (1st) Div., Bragg's Corps,Army of the MississippiThese regiments formed on echelon, left in front, charged the Union line in their front at 4.30 p.m. April 6, 1862 and were repulse…
(front)Illinois52d Infantry3d Brigade - Sweeny2d Division - W.H.L. WallaceArmy of the Tennessee(back)52d Infantry.Commanded by1. Major H. Stark.2. Capt. E. A. Bowen.This regiment was held in reserve until 4 p.m., April 6, 1862, when it formed for …
U.S.Camp of Ross' Battery,(2d Michigan), Hurlbut's (4th) Div.,Army of the Tennessee.First position in line of battle April 6, 1862, was 7/8 mile south, at south side of Peach Orchard.