You searched for City|State: shiloh, tn
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U.S.Col. Julius Raith, 43rd Ill.Commanding3rd Brigade,1st Division,Army of the Tennessee.Was mortally wounded hereat 10:00 A.M., April 6, 1862.Died on Steamer Hannibal,April 11, 1862
C.S.Brig. Gen. Adley Gladden.Commanding1st Brigade,2d Div., Bragg's Corps,Army of the Mississippi.Was mortally wounded hereat 8:45 a.m., April 6, 1862.Died at Corinth, Miss.,April 11, 1862.
(front of monument):Dedicated by the state of Wisconsin to her valiant sons who on April 6 & 7, 1862 fought on this battlefield for the preservation and perpetuity of the Union. A. D. MDCCCCV
(left side of monument):The 14th Wisconsin Voluntee…
General in his Memoirs says: "During the night rain fell in torrents and our troops were exposed without shelter. I made my headquarters under a tree a few hundred yards from the river bank." The large oak tree referred to, standing where this mar…
C. S.General Albert Sidney Johnston Commandingthe Confederate Army,Was mortally woundedat 2.30 P.M.,April 6, 1862,Died in ravine, 50 yardssouth-east, at2:45 P.M.
(Back of Monument - Center):The States of the Southsent to the Battle of Shilohseventy nine organizations of infantryten organizations of cavalry andtwenty three batteries of artillery
How bravely and how well they foughtlet the tablets of hist…
C.S.Army of the Mississippi.General Albert Sidney Johnston (Killed).General G.T. Beauregard.First Corps. Maj. Gen Leonidas Polk. Second Corps. Maj. Gen. Braxton Bragg. Third Corps. Maj. Gen. Wm. J. Hardee, (wounded). Reserve Corps. Brig. Gen. John…
To The Confederate Dead in the trenches The Tenn. Division U.D.C. 1935