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The Beckwith Inn was located just south of here on the Old Turnpike. Originally built by James Cannady in 1816, it was one of the best-known landmarks in DeKalb County. James B. ad Rachel Roulstone Beckwith operated the inn from 1843 until the lat…
1/2 Mi. south on Fall Creek stood a watermill built in 1837 by Daniel Smith, an early Tennessee pioneer. The original mill was destroyed by flood in 1905, and a new one 1000 ft. distant was built by J.E. Evins near Carmack Falls, where the river d…
(south face)
Atlanta • Chickamauga • Murfressboro
This monument is dedicated to the memory of all DeKalb Countians who served the Confederacy. They sacrificed much for the cause of an independent South. Their courage and patriotism to the st…
May the sun of righteousness shining on the American Flag glorify the sacrifice and hold in grateful remembrance the Thousands of our sons and daughters who suffered for our freedom.
(south face)Atlanta · Chickamauga · MurfressboroThis monument is dedicated to the memory of all DeKalb Countians who served the Confederacy. They sacrificed much for the cause of an independent South. Their courage and patriotism to …
May the sun of righteousness shining on the American Flag glorify the sacrifice and hold in grateful remembrance the Thousands of our sons and daughters who suffered for our freedom.
DeKalb County differed from surrounding counties. A sizeable minority of its citizens opposed secession and voted against it in the June 8, 1861 referendum. Their champion was a slave owner, Congressman William B. Stokes. The majority followed for…