Historical Marker Search

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Caroline Brinegar had to plan ahead for many months to make a garment. She made her family's clothes from a fabric called linsey-woolsey that she wove on her loom. Linsey-woolsey is woven from wool yarn and linen (flax) thread. The wool made the f…
All the materials Martin Brinegar needed for building a cabin were here on this farm—trees, rocks, even clay. Martin Brinegar began building this cabin in 1886. Working in his spare time, it took him three years to finish the original cabin …
The Brinegars were not famous or rich, but they were important to their families and neighbors. In 1876 Martin Brinegar purchased this 125 acre farm from Henderson Crouse, Caroline Joines' uncle, for $200. Two years later Martin and Caroline were …
For nearly sixty years, Martin and Caroline Brinegar lived on this 125 acre farm leading lives based on hard work, self-sufficiency, and an abiding religious faith. Descendants of their three children often come here to visit the homeplace. Unite…
For thousands of years Native Americans cultivated the fertile valleys of the Blue Ridge region including North Carolina. Employing techniques such as "slash and burn" to clear small areas of forested land and fertilize the soil, the Che…
Legislator, 14 terms. Lt. Governor, 1893-1897. Headed Revenue & Highway Commissions. Was UNC Trustee for 56 years. Office was 30 feet west.
Robert Lee Doughton, for whom Doughton Park is named, was born in Alleghany County, North Carolina, November 7, 1863. An original and leading advocate of the establishment and development of the Blue Ridge Parkway, he was a member of the United St…