You searched for City|State: stafford, ny
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Site of first settlement on the Holland Purchase in 1798. Originally known as Transit. The name was changed to Stafford in 1841 following settlement by a colony of Devonshire English people. The buildings of historic and architectural interest are…
East boundary Holland land purchase 3.3 million acres Transit line ran N.& S. from PA. to Lake Ontario Surveyed between 1798-1800
Memorial?Honor?Roll?World War II? "Forever honour'd. Forever mourn'd" Homer 1941-1945 Stafford Honor Roll
Erected by the Town Of Stafford, A.D. 1923, in honor of our boys who served in the World War. 1917 ———— 1919
Pottery & drain tile factory est. ca 1830 by Fortunatus Gleason & son, Charles, of Morganville. Last owner was Charles Ford ca 1900. Excavated by R.M.S.C. 1973.