Historical Marker Search

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(Upper Plaque): George Washington(1732-1799)Farmer, Legislator, Surveyor, Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution, and the first President of the United States. George Washington frequently used this road during h…
Extending from Alexandria to Vestal's Ferry near Charles Town, West Virginia, this colonial highway was a principal route from the Northern Neck of Virginia through the Blue Ridge to the Ohio Country. In the early 1770's, the road became the major…
Captain John Singleton Mosby and 69 of his Confederate ranger troop were surprised at dawn while sleeping here in the Miskel farmhouse and hay barn by 150 Union cavalry. Though greatly outnumbered, Captain Mosby led his rangers on foot with revolv…
J.E.B. Stuart, operating on Lee's right, passed here on his way to the fords of the Potomac north of Dranesville June 27, 1863. Crossing the river, he became seperated from Lee's army and did not rejoin it until July 2 at Gettysburg.
During the Civil War, signal stations served as early warning posts, observation points, and communication centers. On June 19, 1863, 10,000-15,000 Union troops commanded by Gen. John Fullerton Reynolds, I Corps, Army of the Potomac, marched along…