You searched for City|State: sutherland, va
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"When we moved toward Five Forks?we were not expecting any attack that afternoon, so far as I know. Our throwing up works and taking position were simply general matters of military precaution." - Major General Fitzhugh Lee, CSA
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At Sutherland Station, on 2 Apr. 1865, the Confederates made a last attempt to maintain control of the South Side Railroad. Confederate Maj. Gen. Henry Heth organized the defense before returning to the main line in Petersburg. Brig. Gen. John R. …
Confederate troops formed a battle line along Cox Road to protect the South Side Railroad, but were overwhelmed after three attacks. This engagement enabled Grant's forces to sever Lee's last supply line, causing him to abandon Petersburg that nig…
The Union attack that broke the back of the Confederate defense of Petersburg and forced Gen. Robert E. Lee to evacuate the Army of Northern Virginia from the city happened here April 2, 1865. You are standing at the end of the Confederate right f…
The Battle of SutherlandApril 2, 1865
Dedicated in sacred memory to those valiant Confederates who remained steadfast to the end, and who gave their last full measure of devotion in defense of their homeland. Here the Confederates, under the Ge…