You searched for City|State: tehachapi, ca
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In this village scene from before contact with the white man, women weave baskets and grind foodstuffs in bedrock mortars. Children play games, as the men make tools and weave rabbit pelt blankets. The border shows more recent members and elders o…
1906-1914: City of Los Angeles builds and operates plant to make cement for Los Angeles Aqueduct and also constructs town named Aqueduct to house workers and families.1910: Aqueduct train station and post office are renamed Monolith.1920: U.S. Pot…
Originally opened in 1936, the Beekay Theatre survived the historic earthquake of 1952 and endured a number of fa?ade changes before burning in the 1990's. The reconstruction preserves the original fa?ade behind, which lies a fully modern theatre.…
This building was contructed after the 1952 earthquake to house a post office, a department store, an electric shop, a variety store and a drug store. The photo shows the two-story frame hotel (formerly the Old Summit School, which was moved to th…
The first bank in Tehachapi was incorporated on October 11, 1892, in a dry goods store on "G" Street (now Tehachapi Boulevard). The founder and first President of the Bank of Tehachapi ws Isadore Asher, who operated the bank in the rear of this st…
Avelino Martinez was of Mexican, Indian and Chinese descent, four feet-four inches tall and thirteen years of age when he came with a group of drovers to the United States from Sonora, Mexico, searching for his father. He worked as a groom for hor…
The Richfield Service Station was built here in 1921 by Jack and "Doro" (Theodore) Leiva, who operated the station and adjoining cabins for travelers for over 50 years. It was named the Bartlett Richfield Station due to the many Bartlett Pear tree…
This was the first house constructed in Tehachapi, built in 1877 by Fred Boden. It was occupied from 1895 to 1940 by Mr. and Mrs. T.P. Sullivan. He was the Southern Pacific Roadmaster and was elected to Tehachapi's first Board of Trustees in 1909.…
Built as the Odd Fellows Hall in the early 1930's, it was later used as a movie theatre, dance hall and labor union hall. It was once owned by St. Malachy Church and used as a church hall (1949-53). The structure survived the 1952 earthquake intac…
Built by Joe Gallinger in 1880, it was purchased in 1926 by Jim and Lucinda (Callie) Wiggins Brite. Upon Lucinda's death in 1944, the Davis family purchased the house. It was customary to drive sheep and cattle along Curry Street to the railroad s…