You searched for City|State: thomasville, al
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Dedicated to the Glory of God and in Honor of
the Men and Women who have Served their Country
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Founded by the CME (Christian Methodist Episcopal) Church as the only school for black students in the area in the early 1900's, Williams' Temple eventually consolidated with another school in Booker City to form Miles College near Birmi…
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In the summer of 1887, a notice was published confirming that the route for the Mobile and West Alabama Railroad would be the Choctaw Corner route. Soon the sounds of building could be heard over the swamp that was the headwaters of the …
Front:This Greek Revival style brick structure is known as the Hope Family Grave Shelter. Constructed in 1853, it is listed on the National Register of Historical places. The unusual splayed eaves and vaulted or "compass" interior ceiling can be t…
Established by Choctaw and Creek Indians about 1808 as the northern limit of boundary line between their lands. This line begins at the cut-off in South Clark County, follows the watershed between Alabama and Tombigbee Rivers without crossing wate…