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You searched for City|State: topeka, ks

Showing results 1 to 10 of 83
Innovative businessman, fervent Congregationalist, abolitionist and philanthropist, Ichobad Washburn is the generous benefactor from Massachusetts after whom Washburn University is named.
Organized by the Congregational Church occupied a building erected in 1865. It was Topeka's first college and preparatory school with classes starting January 3, 1866. Renamed for Ichabod Washburn, the college moved to its present campus in 187…
Purchase from the Santa Fe Railway Co. and renovated for state office facilities
This property, formerly Hayden High School, is part of the Church of the Assumption Historic District, listed on the National Register of Historic Places
"I began to realize, as I never had before, how much the health of each of us depends on the health of all of us." Frontier physician, public health visionary and child health advocate, Samuel J. Crumbine was a man of tremendous curiosity whose…
Before it became the Kansas capital, Topeka was the seat of a free-state government — an alternative to the official proslavery territorial legislature elected in 1855. These two bodies represented opposing factions in Kansas' battle over sl…
The Kansa, for whom the state is named, once occupied 20 million acres of land in eastern and northern Kansas. In 1825 the U.S. government reduced the lands to a reservation west of Topeka. In 1846 tribe members were sent to a 256,000 acre reserva…
Alongside the church, the schools were anchors of African American life in Topeka. With the rise of an all-black teaching force in the city's black schools in the 1880s, teachers formed the backbone of the black middle class. They believed that ed…
Like all of the city's schools, students and local residents used Monroe School for multiple activities. A student club called "The Downbeat" held dances in the combined gym and auditorium. Local churches and civic organizations used the space for…
When Monroe Elementary School opened in 1927, it was a key part of Topeka's grand, million-dollar school construction program. Topeka wanted a first-class educational system that would promote pride in the city's schools. The new Monroe School fea…