You searched for City|State: twinsburg, oh
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
To the memory of our patriot sonswho fell during the Rebellion of 1861 to 1965
[Honor Roll of Names]
Soldiers RecordList of those that survived[Honor Roll of Names]
1867Semi CentennialYearof the Settlementofthis Township
Dedicated July…
This monument erected as a permanent tribute to the foresight and integrity of the Wilcox twins who dedicated the land for this park and were instrumental in Twinsburg's cultural, religious and educational growth
In memory of Moses and Aaron Wi…
In MemoriamWorld War II
Lt. Herbert GillNavy Fighter PilotDied - Dec. 4, 1943
Sgt. Paul Bennett486 QM REF. Co. M.Died - Dec. 6, 1945
P.F.C. Fred Staedtler, Jr.Co. M., 145 Inf., 37 Div.Died - Mar. 6, 1945
Bert BuganskiCo. F. 7 InfantryD…
In honor of the Twinsburg boysengaged in the World WarOrland R. Bishop · Ray E. BooseEarl W. Bowen · Albert L. CochranRaymond E. Doubrava · Arthur L. DunscombJohn A. Day · Lewis L. DaviesEugene H. Evans · Louis W…
This "Eisenhower"Green Ash Treeis dedicated to allWorld War II Veterans
May 2001
Cemetery vaults were used to store bodies in winter when the ground was too frozen to break manually. Locust Grove's vault was constructed of locally quarried sandstone in 1872. The interior showcases the mason's skills: the walls are smooth and t…
Twinsburg pioneers, many from Killingworth, Connecticut, worshipped in various locations for 31 years until this church was built in 1848. Its design is attributed to master builder Simeon Porter. The spire is an 1857 replacement. The edifice is n…