Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: vergennes, vt

Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Site of Naval- shipyard 1804-1812 Erected 1938
Commemorating the one hundred and fiftieth year of incorporation Erected August 15, 1939
Honor Roll [Died in service] Philip E. Goodere · Edward L. Mercure Frederick C. Morris · Hobart P. Preston [Veterans Honor Roll not transcribed]
In grateful tribute to the men and women of Vergennes Vermont who served in the Armed Forces of our country
Victorious commander of the American Fleet in the naval battle of Plattsburg September 11, 1814 A Gallant Officer An Exemplary Citizen A National Hero Memorial erected to commemorate the building by Commodore Macdonough of the Sarato…
Erected to the memory of William G. Bixby who generously bequeathed the fund which made this building possible for the benefit of the citizens of the City of Vergennes Dedicated October 1, 1912
The Wilderness Shhh. Imagine Otter Creek 300 years ago when it was pristine wilderness. The river teems with fish, herons, ducks and other waterfowl. Deer and moose tracks dot the river's edge. Downed trees, trampled shrubs, and mounds of mud, br…
Intersection of Rivers and Roads Imagine traveling hundreds of miles in an ox-drawn wagon along muddy, rock-strewn, deeply rutted roads through the wilderness. In search of new homesteads, early settlers followed the same routes you took to get…
In Need of Water Fire was the scourge of downtowns all across America in the nineteenth century. Buildings were destroyed by fire time and time again. Water often had to be transported from nearby rivers. Firefighting efforts were frequently in v…
Below the Otter Creek Falls was the site of Thomas Macdonough's shipyard, where the U.S.S. Saratoga was built in 40 days and other ships launched that defeated the British at the Battle of Plattsburgh, 1814.