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700 Jackson Placehas been designatedaNational Historic LandmarkThis site possesses national significancein commemorating the history of theUnited States of AmericaNational Park Service1974From 1910 to 1948 it served as the firstheadquarters of The…
[north face :] Erected by the Congress of the United States to Frederick William Aug- ustus Henry Ferdinand Baron von Steuben in grateful recognition of his services to the American people in their struggle for liberty. Born in Prussia Septem…
1864David L. Morrison was a developer who sold flour and feed to the U.S. government during the Civil War. Reuben B. Clark made land investments, owned a grocery store, and served as Washington, D.C.'s jail commissioner. 1917 M. Frank Ruppert boug…
[ on the front (south face) of pedestal :]
Alexander Hamilton1757-1804First Secretary of the TreasurySoldier, Orator, StatesmanChampion of Constitutional Union, Representative Government and National Integrity
[ on the reverse (north face…
The plaque below marks the spot where the leg of U.S. Army Colonel Ulric Dahlgren, son of Admiral John Dahlgren, "father of American naval ordnance," was interred following his wounding after the battle of Gettysburg in 1863.
The leg was enclos…
These projectiles were fired from the largest guns used by the U.S. Navy, specifically the 16-inch/50 caliber guns on the Iowa-class battleships. These ships were the USS Iowa (BB61), USS New Jersey (BB62), USS Missouri (BB63), and USS Wisconsin (…
In the 1890s, American cities had a common problem. The working poor lived in deteriorating housing, often no better than wooden shacks. In Washington much of this housing lined the city's hidden alleys. But people needed healthier and safer place…
A massive, Romanesque style Metropolitan Street Railway car barn once commanded the corner behind you across O Street, with repair shops across Fourth Street. They dated from the 1880s, and were part of Washington's first street railway system. St…
Harbour Square, completed 1966, contains seven historic dwellings. Development of the historic structures was initiated by James Greanleaf in the early 1790's. The financier sold individual lots to Thomas Law for the "Barney House" and the Lewis H…
When urban renewal threatened to destroy three of Washington's oldest structures, dating from the late 1700's, history-minded citizens organized to stop the bulldozers. As a result, when architect Chloethiel Woodard Smith designed the mid-20th cen…