Historical Marker Search

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In 1788 Congress granted 400 acres of land to each French family of this area. The tract was laid off in a square containing 160 separate plots. Additional grants were made affecting the five counties shown.
Robert Cabel Graham (1885-1967), a native of Washington, Daviess County, with his brothers Joseph and Ray, contributed much to the economy and quality of life in that city, Evansville, and other towns. Glass factories, truck manufacturing, and Gra…
( Front - Center Panel )This memorial is the tribute of the people of Daviess County to the memory of her Brave Soldiers who endured the hardships and fought the battles of 1861 to 1865 that the Union might be preserved ( Front Right Panel )Dav…
Mission Revival Style depot, built 1906, restored 1990; part of Washington Commercial Historic District. Link to city's trading and industrial history, with substantial railroad machine shops and car works. Indiana stop of former President Dwight …
Built on this site by civilians to protect approximately ten families during War of 1812. Named for landowner David Flora. Ten such forts were built circa 1811-1813 in area that became Daviess County. Area was Knox County, part of Indiana Territor…
Residence of Robert C. Graham (1885-1967), pioneer glass, truck and auto manufacturer. Placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983 by the U.S. Department of the Interior because of its history and Prairie Style architecture.
Side AHomer E. Capehart Born into Indiana farming family 1897. Manufactured and pioneered sales of automatic phonographs, creating Capehart Corporation. Executive of Rudolph Wurlitzer Company 1933-1944. Organized 1938 Republican Party "Cornfield C…