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You searched for City|State: washington court house, oh

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Built 1905has been placed on theNational Registerof Historic Placesby the United StatesDepartment of the Interior
Honoring those who servedduring the Rebellion of 1861-1865 It is believed that this statuewas placed in this cemeterybetween 1905 and 1913.Following a partialrestoration in 1995 by IreneGrim Looker, NationalPresident of the Ladies of theGrand A…
Dedicated with ceremoniesMay 27th 1919.To the brave boys of Fayette Countywho served in the World War Erected tothose from Fayette Countywho served their countryin the World War Dedicated Nov. 11, 1927 [Includes an Honor Roll of County De…
In recognition ofthe patriotism ofthe people ofFayette Countywho oversubscribed theirWar Savings Quota in 1918this tablet isgratefully erected by theOhio War Savings Committee
Irish railroad workers founded the Catholic community in Washington Court House in the 1850s, with the first Mass being held in a local shanty in 1852. In 1871, Father John B. O'Donoghue purchased three and 5/8 acres of land adjoining Washington c…
Washington Court House was founded in 1810 by American Revolutionary War veterans from the state of Virginia. They also established Washington Cemetery in 1810 and located it in what was originally the southern part of the town. With the coming of…
One of Ohio's most influential politicians in the early 20th century, Washington Court House native Harry Daugherty (1860-1941) was widely known as a "President-maker" and served instrumental roles in President Warren G. Harding's administration, …
In 1884 the Ohio General Assembly authorized "the burial of the body of any honorably discharged ex-union soldier, sailor or marine of this state who shall hereafter die without leaving means sufficient to defray funeral expenses." Permanent gover…