Historical Marker Search

You searched for City|State: wellsboro, pa

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The pen name of poet, woodsman, outdoor writer and pioneer conservationist George Washington Sears (1821-1890), a resident of Wellsboro, Pa. From near this spot he wrote the first prose and verse descriptions of the Pine Creek Gorge.
Nessmuk was the pen name of pioneer conservationist and woodsman George Washington Sears (1821-1890), a resident of Wellsboro. Noted chiefly as the author of first book on woodcraft, Sears was also a poet, adventurer, canoeist and outdoor writer.
Governor of Pennsylvania 1899-1903, Congressman in 1891-1899; was born two and a half miles SE of here April 18, 1846. Graduate of Mansfield Normal. Began Law practice in Wellsboro, 1870. Moved to Pittsburgh, 1877. Died March 1, 1920.
Governor of Pennsylvania 1899-1903, Congressman in 1891-1899; was born two and a half miles SW of here April 18, 1846. Graduate of Mansfield Normal. Began Law practice in Wellsboro, 1870. Moved to Pittsburgh, 1877. Died March 1, 1920.