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[English version]Built in 1885, the Mulholland Point Lighthouse guided many small coasters and freighters taking the shorter and foul weather-protected route through the narrow passage between Campobello and Lubec. Steamships, carrying freight and…
The Great Depression 1929-1941The depression was world-wide. In the U.S., the banking system collapsed and 12.8 million people were unemployed. Hardest hit were youth, minorities, the elderly, and workers in the consumer durables industries. There…
Owners of the Campobello Company hoped to enhance their one million-dollar investment by subdividing their land and selling the smaller lots to hotel guests, island residents, and others. Only a few of the lots were actually sold and built upon. h…
In 1881, a group of American businessmen (called themselves the Campobello Company) purchased most of Campobello Island. In an era of summer-long vacations and great summer resorts, the company hoped, by promoting Campobello's charms, to attract, …
The Campobello hotels welcomed socializing between their guests and the summer cottage owners. Summer colonists and hotel guests exchanged visits and participated in hotel activities such as excursions aboard the company's small steamboats, field …
On this site, in 1885, James Roosevelt, businessman and country gentleman of Hyde Park, New york, built the cottage shown below. The Cottage was intended to be a summer retreat for his wife, Sara Delano, and their son Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Fr…
Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson andMrs. Lester B. PearsonTogether opened theRoosevelt Campobello Parkon the twenthieth day of August 1964Lyndon Baines JohnsonPresident of the United States of AmericaandLester Bowles PearsonPrime Minister of CanadaTogether …