You searched for City|State: wernersville, pa
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This property has beenplaced on theNational Registerof Historic Placesby the United StatesDepartment of the Interior
Union Canal MilestoneA gift to honor the service ofHerman S. Sheidyto the …
This tablet is in commemoration of the services of Revolutionary War soldiers buried in Hain's Church (St. John's Reformed) Cemetery at Wernersville, Pa. This tablet is dedicated in grateful recognition of their patriotism and valor.
[Honor Rol…
Erected to the memory ofWilhelm FischerBorn in the Palatinate April 11, 1706Arrived at Philadelphia Aug. 17, 1733Died October 23, 1771and his wifeElizabeth GertrudeThe daughter ofGeorge and Veronica HainBorn 1711Died June 4, 1768
Who are interr…
Erected to the Memory ofGeorge Hainwho donated this land forchurch purposes.The first edifice having beenerected 1735