You searched for City|State: west point, ny
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Fort Arnold was renamed Fort Clinton following Benedict Arnold's treason. It was the main fortification at West Point. Situated at the tip of the Plain overlooking the Hudson River, Fort Arnold, containing 12 cannon, 11 mortars and supported by fo…
In 1778, Colonel Sherburne's regiment built this redoubt near present trophy point to cover the back approach to Fort Arnold, western approaches to the Plain and northern approaches to Fort Putnam. No trace of the redoubt exists today.
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This redoubt, with battery No. 1, was constructed to command the heights above and around the main work at West Point, Fort Putnam, during the American Revolution.
This property has beenplaced on theNational Registerof Historic Placesby the United StatesDepartment of the Interior.
In 1778, Thaddeus Kosciuszko designed Redoubt 4 to protect Fort Putnam (visible in the foreground) against British fire from this hill (Rocky Hill). American soldiers built Redoubt 4 in 1779. In 1780, Benedict Arnold described it as " . . . a wood…
In this location in 1974, archeologists uncovered what appeared to be an original embrasure (an opening in the parapet to permit the firing of cannon). Excavations also revealed evidence of earlier walls or stone supports for gun platforms. This e…
Replicas of two English 6 pounder guns and one French 4 pounder gun are mounted on field carriages and in place along the north and west wall. Field guns could be moved to cover a larger field of fire. These and other cannon and mortars were place…
This stone structure was probably an artillery blind or epaulment (a breastwork to cover troops in front and sometimes in flank) constructed in 1794 to protect gunners from fire from redoubt 4 on Rocky Hill just west and above Fort Putnam. This ar…
Cannon displayed along the southeast parapet are replicas of original garrison 12 and 18 pounder muzzleloading cannon reported in the fort in 1780. Although capable of firing up to 2,000 yards (the river shoreline is between 900 and 1,400 yards fr…