You searched for City|State: wheeling, wv
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First Government of West Virginia established here on June 20, 1863 with Arthur I. Boreman as Governor. This building served as the state capitol until 1870 and again from 1875 to 1876.
Approved by the Wheeling Area Historical Society
The Wheeling Suspension Bridge, designed and erected by Charles Ellet, Jr., was completed in 1849. Known as the "Gateway to the West," the bridge was the first to cross the Ohio River carrying people and products to the West along the National Roa…
Although the residents of the western part of Virginia owned far fewer slaves than their counterparts to the east, antebellum Wheeling was part of the social and political fabric of slaveholding Virginia. A slave-auction block stood at the northwe…
The Athenaeum, once the biggest building in Wheeling, stood here. It was constructed in 1854, with three stories supported by cast-iron roof and floor beams. It served as an adjunct of the nearby Baltimore and Ohio Railroad station, to encourage t…
At a meeting called in this building by Joselph H. Reass on March 1, 1919, was effected the first permanent organization of veterans of the World War which later became Wheeling Post No. 1 of the American Legion. At that meeting the following offi…
The first Wheeling Convention of the people of North Western Virginia was held here on May 13-15, 1861. The Convention was held to determine what action should be taken as a result of the secession of Virginia from the Union. It ended without a fi…
In Honor of All who Served in World War 1917-1918
Site of 31 acre vineyard owned and operated by Father John Peter Kreusch (1818-88), German priest who served Saint Alphonsus German Catholic Church (1859-83). Vineyard, set circa 1862, yielded from 4,000 to 15,000 gallons of unadulterated altar wi…
The 25 year-old French aristocratand author ofDemocracy in Americavisited this area during his 1831-32 tour of AmericaPlaced by C-Span and the Cable Television Industrywhile retracing the tour in 1997-1998
Built in 1817 by Moses Shepherd, a prominent Ohio Countian, as part of the National Road. Constructed of uncoursed limestone, but covered by concrete in 1958, it is the oldest extant three span elliptical arch bridge in the state. Also known as "M…