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Showing results 1 to 10 of 14
Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Wilderness, and Spotsylvania—this is the bloodiest landscape in North America. No place more vividly reflects the Civil War's cost in all its forms. A city bombarded, bloodied, and looted. Farms large and sm…
(South Facing Side):Spotsylvania CountyArea 413 Square MilesFormed in 1720 from Essex, King and Queen, and King William, and named for Alexander Spotswood, governor of Virginia, 1710-1722. The battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, the Wilde…
In an outhouse here at Moss Neck, Stonewall Jackson had his headquarters, December, 1862-March, 1863. He was engaged in guarding the line of the Rappahannock with his corps of Lee's army.
Stonewall JacksonDiedMay 10, 1862BuriedLexington, Va.
The farm office across the lawn is all that remains of the once-sprawling plantation called "Fairfield." Thomas Coleman Chandler purchased Fairfield Plantation in 1845. For the next 17 years it prospered and evolved - largely at the hands of the d…
Lee vs. Grant - The 1864 Campaign "At the church?the 9th Corps was marching past, and Burnside was sitting, like a comfortable abbot, in one of the pews, surrounded by his buckish staff whose appearance is the reverse of clerical." - Theodore L…
Here, on May 9, 1864, Sheridan was attacked by Wickham's cavalry. Nearby, on May 22, 1864, Warren's (Fifth) Corps, moving to the North Anna, fought Rosser's cavalry.
Spotsylvania CountyStraddling the fall line, Spotsylvania County was formed from Essex, King William, and King and Queen Counties in 1720. It was named for Alexander Spotswood, lieutenant governor of Virginia from 1710 to 1722. The Civil War battl…
A little to the east, at Nancy Wright's, Warren's (Fifth) and Wright's (Sixth) Corps, coming from the east, on May 22, 1864, turned south. Wright camped here on May 22.
At this point in his Richmond raid, Gen. Sheridan, after a fight with Confederate cavalry commanded by General Williams C. Wickham, turned off the Telegraph Road to Beaver Dam, May 9, 1864. This change of route caused Sheridan to approach Richmond…