Historical Marker Search

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In memory ofCol. Daniel Boone and 27 salt makers, taken prisoners at Blue Licks, KY., by the Shawnees, Feb. 7, 1778 and brought to Old Chillicothe. Boone and eleven were adopted by the Shawnees. Ten were taken, over the Bullskin Trail, to Detro…
This stone marks the site of Old Chillicothe, the principal town of the Shawnees Indians, Tecumseh chief. The famous gauntlet run by Simon Kenton in 1778 was from Sextons Hill to the Council House which stood 30 rods west of this site.
The famous Shawnee Village destroyed four times by pioneer forces. It remained Ohio's leading Indian Town until 1807. On the rise to the west stood the bark Council House.
[Marker Front]:The great Native American Shawnee leader, Tecumseh, was born on the bank of a large spring at this site in 1768, at the very instant that a great meteor seared across the skies. The birth occurred while his parents, Shawnee war chie…
[Marker front]:In 1854, Samuel and Rebecca McClellan Collins deeded 1.28 acres to Beavercreek Township, Greene County, for the purpose of building a schoolhouse. The first two schoolhouses were constructed of stone with fireplaces for heat. Collin…
This neoclassical structure, a combination of Federalism and Great Reunion, was a gift of Andrew Carnegie to Wilberforce University. It was built in 1907 and was remodeled and enlarged in 1938. The building provided general reading, reference, bro…
This Colonial style building was originally constructed as a women's dormitory, but was later occupied by men. It was erected largely through the generosity of Andrew Carnegie and Miss E. J. Emery, a Cincinnati native living in England. The buildi…
Side A:In the early 1800s, William and Eleanor Kendall owned this land, known for its natural springs, beauty, and farmland. In 1850, Elias Drake, lawyer and former speaker in the Ohio General Assembly, purchased the property and named it Tawawa o…
[Marker Front]:Hallie Quinn Brown (c.1850) was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to former slaves. She and her family moved to Wilberforce, Ohio in 1870, where she received a Bachelor of Science degree from Wilberforce University in 1873. Brown tau…