Historical Marker Search

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Angered that they had not been consulted about the transfer of the Hudson's Bay Company territories to Canada, the inhabitants of the Red River Settlement, led by Louis Riel, in 1869 proclaimed a Provisional Government which took control of the co…
This bridge was designed not only for heavy freight cars to travel over the Assiniboine River but also for steamships to travel under it. The center span of the bridge lifts and is known as a bascule bridge (from the French word for "see-saw"). Li…
1818-1825 First ChapelWhen the first two Catholic missionaries arrived at the Red River settlement, much work awaited them. Father Provencher constructed a modest log structure to serve as rectory, church and boys' school.1825-1839 Second ChurchFi…
Strategically located at the junction of two major rivers which form part of a vast continental network, this spot has witnessed many of the key events of Western Canadian history. This was a traditional native stopping place and for this reason L…
"The Path of Time" celebrates the procession of history at The Forks that continues to the present. The tools used to shape the Prairies - stone axes, scythes, locomotives, steam tractors, computers - are reflected, each in turn, on the limestone …