Historical Marker Search

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Page 4 of 10 — Showing results 31 to 40 of 98
Wondering why there are so many large boulders scattered around Peggy's Cove, and why some of them are precariously balanced on smaller boulders or steep slopes? What you see is the work of glaciers. Twenty thousand years ago, continental glacier…
How do you build a house on exposed granite bedrock where there are few trees to provide lumber, let alone protection from wind, rain and high tides? This is the challenge faced by the first families to settle Peggy's Cove. Using the trees that w…
Before Peggy's Cove was a community, it was a popular destination among fishermen. But what inspired these fishermen to make this their permanent home? It was this sheltered cove, which offered close proximity to the large populations of fish in S…
When Continents Collide See the picture of the Himalayan mountain range on this panel? You may find this hard to believe, but that's pretty much what Peggy's Cove looked like almost 380 million years ago. And the granite coastline you see today w…
Boer War 1899 - 1902 World War I 1914 - 1918 World War II 1939 - 1945 Korea War 1950 - 1953 Afghanistan 2001 - 2014
This totem pole, carved by three Kwakiutl Indian carvers from a log of western red cedar, is a gift to the 1969 Canada Games Society on the occasion of the first Canadian Summer Games, held in the twin cities of Halifax and Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.…
Sullivan's Pond was a vital feature of the historic Shubenacadie Canal, the traditional water route of Mi'kmaq Indians connecting the harbour at Dartmouth with Minas Pasin and the Bay of Fundy. When the Canal operated, from 1861 to 1870, water fro…
There are three plaques on this monument. Pier 21 / Le Quai 21 English This site witnessed the arrival of approximately one million immigrants, who have enriched the cultural mosaic of Canada. Opened in 1928, Pier 21 served as one of Canada
This marker is composed of five plaques on the same mounting. The marker stands on north wall of the Citadel overlooking Halifax Harbor. The markers are presented left to right. The Halifax Explosion / L
English Built to defend against a land-based attack, the Halifax Citadel was the fourth in a series of forts to occupy this hill, The star-shaped fortress, completed in 1856, was the centerpiece of the extensive system of fortifications constructe…
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