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[Kiosk highlights sightsalong the Byway] [Historical section follows]Ancient HillsThe Red Hills are unique to KansasTheir distinctive color comes fromiron in the soil that "rusts"Formed 100 million years ago fromred shale - sandstone - siltston…
[Barber County Veteran Tiles] Twin Towers BeamThis steel beam is from the Twin Towers that were destroyed by foreign terrorists on 9-11-01. New York City has donated it to the Barber County Veterans Memorial in remembrance of the lives that wer…
At Medicine Lodge Creek in 1867, as many as 15,000 Apaches, Kiowas, Comanches, Arapahos, and Cheyennes gathered with a seven-member peace commission escorted by U.S. soldiers to conduct one of the nation's largest peace councils. The American Indi…
This marks the home in Medicine Lodge ofMrs. Carry A. Nationwho did outstanding work as a temperance crusader in Kansas.Born Nov. 25, 1846.Died June 9, 1911
In 1874, during a period of Indian Raids in Western and Southern Kansas, the Governor, Thomas A. Osborne, organized the Kansas State Guards. Sun City and Medicine Lodge furnished the companies for this section of the state. The Stockade was built …
In January, 1884, Medicine Lodge citizens organized a stock company to build a first class hotel. Standiford Youmans & Co., a local business, donated the three lots at the corner of Main Street and Washington Avenue. The bricks for the structure w…
The Merchants' and Drovers' Bank was the first bank in Medicine Lodge, established in October, 1880, by H.M. Hickman from Wellington. It closed on January 10, 1882. Two days later the Medicine Valley Bank was formed with Wylie Payne, President; Ge…
To commemorate the signing of the peace treaties between the United States Government and the Five Tribes of Plains Indians at Medicine Lodge, Kans.Oct. 21-28, 1867.
Veterans Who Served...Our True Heroes [Dedicated] November 11, 2000