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Soldiers of the Confederacy
of the World War
Drill Ground of the Midway Guards 1860, later Company B 15th Alabama C.S.A. ordered to Richmond. Second Company 1861 assigned to Company C 45th Alabama C.S.A. ordered to Army of Tennessee. These and many later volunteers met the enemy in innumerab…
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Built by U.S. Army engineers over the summer of 1824, Three Notch Road has served as Bullock County's major transportation route throughout its history. It was constructed to facilitate military communication between Pensacola in Flori…
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Built by U.S. Army engineers over the summer of 1824, Three Notch Road has served as Bullock County's major transportation route throughout its history. It was constructed to facilitate military communication between Pensacola in Florida…
Founded by settlers from Virginia, Georgia, and Carolinas. Building erected 1856. It was the central feature of the village of Mount Hilliard. Named in honor of Henry W. Hilliard — who debated William L. Yancey in the 1850's. Revivals held a…
(side 1)Settlers from the Edgefield District, South Carolina, organized the Sardis Baptist Church on June 10, 1837. The first building, a log cabin, was constructed in 1841 after John M. and his wife Amy Youngblood Dozier deeded four and one-half …
Lacking an established church nearby, pioneer families of the Fitzpatrick community into the mid-19th century took turns hosting worship services in their homes on Sunday mornings. "The Church of the Seven Sisters" was established in 1858 by seven…
Pioneer Samuel Feagin Sr. settled the Village of Midway in 1836. He came from Jones County, Georgia and established his residence at what is still called "The Old Feagin Place." Samuel purchased a large acreage of land and sold it to incoming sett…
This community, settled during the mid-1830s, was first called Fulford's Cross Roads, then Missouri Cross Roads when a post office was established here in 1846. The name Perote, adopted in 1850 was suggested by veterans returning from the Mexican …
Samuel Sellers (1788-1857) of North Carolina arrived with his large family at Three Notch Road on January 29, 1835. Here, in what was then the Missouri Beat, Pike County, the first post office in the area was established, 2.5 miles west of present…