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Surrounded by high Rocky and very ragged looking mountains — this valley we take the liberty to call Pleasant Valley, as it is a very good and pleasant for camping. — Leander V. Loomis, circa 1850, describing the Circle Creek Basin. …
...with a wide plain at our left and high mountains at our right and being within sight of the...Salt Lake Route which road intersects our trail seven miles further on. - Emigrant journal entry (Lewis), circa 1850, describing their camp near her…
That this journey...is perilous, the deaths of many testify...as I passed the fresh made graves, I have glanced at the side boards of the wagon, not knowing how soon it might serve as a coffin for some one of us. Lodisa Frizzell, 1852 The wa…
"We enter a gorge of the hills which in a short time brings us to a large ampitheatre surrounded with rock of every kind of fanciful character." — Joseph Middleton Aug 26, 1849 Guidebook Available Trails West Inc. P.O. Box 12045, Reno NV …
This vast scene holds many intriguing stories. If the land could speak, it would tell of pioneers and wagons crossing the wide Ralf River Valley from Strevell Pass to Emigrant Canyon bound for California in 1843-1882. The land would speak of stage…
"Truly an Oasis in the Dessert" - John A Pritcherd July 6 1849 Elev. 4839
The Raft River Valley was used by Native Americans as a place to hunt and winter because the snow didn't lie in the valley and there was good water and plenty of grass for the animals. British and American trappers, Peter Skene Ogden, Milton Suble…
"We came onto the Subetts Cut Off road (Hudspeth Cutoff), or rather that cut off come onto our road which is the old and longest road." — Henry Anable, Aug 7, 1852 Guidebook Available Trails West Inc. P.O. Box 12045, Reno NV 89510
"After crossing (Cassia Creek) we crossed a swamp, which required considerable persevering to get through safely. Three miles farther we encamped on the side of a hill, between two ranges of mountains" — Wakeman Bryarly, Jul 18, 1849 Guid…
"August 26, Sabbath." "... We got a late start traveled directly across the valley before us, (Almo Valley) amidst the best scenery we have seen since we have been among these hills. South, a high range of mountains (Raft River Mountains) speck…