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One day west of the City of Rocks: Never saw such dust! In some places it was actually to the top of the forewheels! Fine white dust; more like flour. Our men were a perfect fright, being literally covered. — Emigrant journal entry, circa 18…
"The moon just rising above the mountains, throwing mild light over the valley & opposite mountain, formed a beautiful scene of prairie mountain life." — Hugh Brown Heiskell, Sep 3, 1849
Guidebook Available
Trails West Inc. P.O. Box 12…
The year was 1885 when Cassia County purchased an unfinished hovel for its first courthouse. Idaho was still a territory - a place where disagreements were at times decided by the business end of a gun. Sparked by disputes between cattle and sheep…
"The gray granit rocks stand in pyramid monument & dome forms., here & there towering aloft. The road winds along between them. Emigrants names are written ... on these curious structures" — Augustus Ripley Burbank, Aug 4, 1849 Guidebook Av…
After dinner a ride of 2 miles brought us to the outlet of this romantic vale, a very narrow pass, just wide enough for a wagon, and on either side very high, jagged. and thin walls of granite.... This is called the "Pinnacle Pass." — J. Gol…
"A ride ... brought us to the outlet of this romantic vale, a very narrow pass - just wide enough for a wagon, and on either side very high, jagged and thin walls of granite ... called the 'Pinnacle Pass'" - J.G. Bruff, Aug 29, 1849
Guidebook A…
They rise in a cone-like form from the bottom of the valley to a height of from 400 to 600 feet they are round and quite regular in form, tapering gradually to a point. — Emigrant journal entry (Sawyer) describing the Twin Sisters, circa 185…
At City of Rocks we were met with all kinds of Christmas greeting ... we sat down to a Christmas dinner that only youth and vigor could do justice to.... Jim has erected a Christmas tree, and decorated it with cranberries and pop corn, and on it …
''About one mile from the last of these granite spires we came to the junction of the Northern Salt Lake Road to California." — John Steele, Aug 8, 1850
Guidebook Available
Trails West Inc. P.O. Box 12045, Reno NV 89510
There are thousands of names here I registered on a large Rock. — Richard Augustus Keen at City of Rocks, June 22, 1852
Throughout the West emigrants recorded their passing by writing their names — often with axle grease — at…