Historical Marker Search

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Site of the first house built in Dodge Co. Year 1838 by Jacob P. Brower. D.A.R.
Erected to the memory of my sons and the sons of the Hubbard Township and the Village of Iron Ridge Wisconsin that served in the World War and the Spanish-American War.Bilgrien Armin · Bilgrien Harry · Bilgrien Norbert · Bilgr…
This memorial is dedicated to the life of Berthold "Pete" Husting Born in Mayville, WI, March 6, 1878 to Jean Pierre and Mary Magdalene Husting. After graduating from Mayville High School, Pete received his law degree at U.W. Madison. As a pitc…
This memorial is dedicated to the life of Emerson P. Hawley '91 Born in Beaver Dam, WI December 5, 1872. Emerson "Pink" Hawley and his brother Elmer ("Blue"), were a well-known battery by the time they entered Wayland Academy in 1887. With Pink…
This memorial is dedicated to the life of Adrian Joss '98 Born in Woodland, WI April 12, 1880. "Addie" was a fine pitcher, and an admirer of Emerson "Pink" Hawley (Class of 1891), when he enrolled in Wayland Academy in 1897. Joss was coached by…
The citizens of theTownship of Elbapurchased this landin 1947 as a memorialto the men and womenwho served their countryin World War II.1995
Dedicated to the UnionSoldiers and Sailorsof the Civil Warby theWoman's Relief CorpsMayville WisconsinMay 30, 1928
Waupun Wis.has been placed on theNational RegisterofHistoric Placesby the U.S. Dept. of InteriorSept. 4, 1979Wapun Historical Society
In 1875 the Wisconsin Legislature offered a prize of $10,000 to the citizen of this state who could produce a machine "which shall be a cheap and practical substitute for the use of horses and other animals on the highway and farm." Such machine w…
Begun in 1855 and first named College Hall, this was the original building of Wayland University, founded by the Wisconsin Baptist Educational Society. Until 1889 it was the only building and housed faculty, students and all activities of the scho…