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A ringing anvil and glowing forge were signals that the blacksmith was working. The skill, stamina, and strength of the blacksmith played an important role in constructing machinery and maintaining the ironworkers' equipment. Using simple tools an…
A furnace at full blast kept founders preparing to receive up to a ton of molten liquid iron. Crucible contents were checked frequently and slag impurities that float on top of the heavier molten iron were removed. All preparations had to be compl…
At the forge, porous and brittle cast iron was changed into tough, strong, flexible wrought iron. To the sounds of four water wheels turning, the bellows flapping, and the ground-shaking thump of the power hammer, men toiled to make wrought-iron b…
Salem Willows is named for the European white willow trees planted here in 1801 to form a shaded walk for patients convalescing at the old smallpox hospital. Later the area became a park. During the first half of the 20th century Restaurant Row on…
For decades, the main attraction on the line was the Willows Pavilion. This unusual looking structure boasted a roller skating rink and a 300-seat, second-floor restaurant. In the rear tower, a camera obscura projected scenes from the surrounding …
In honor of those who served their country during the Korean and Vietnam Wars Dedicated during Boxford's Tricentennial in memory of Cpl James L. Melvin, USMC This day 26 May 1985 Adjacent stones are engraved with the Honor Roll of Boxford r…
One half mile west of here is the Parson Capen House. Built in 1683 for the minister and a fine specimen of domestic architecture of the Puritan century. Now the home of the Topsfield Historical Society.
Three rods west of this spot stood, from 1718 until 1785, The Town House. Here Governor Burnet convened The General Court in 1728 and 1729, a Town Meeting held here in 1765 protested against The Stamp Act, and another in 1769, denounce…
Here stood the Salem gaol built in 1684, used until 1813 razed in 1957 ———— During the witchcraft persecution of 1692, many of the accused were imprisoned here. One of them, the aged Giles Cory (b. 1611), was press…
In 1692, nearly two hundred people in the Salem area were accused of witchcraft, then considered a crime. Twenty of the accused were tried and executed - victims of fear, superstition, and a court system that failed to protect them. This memori…
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