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Half an acre of this Old State Burial Ground was laid off for state officials in 1835. Although exact location is unknown, it is thought to be in this area. In 1874 the monument and remains were moved to South Hill Cemetery. Four Representatives a…
Born in Hanover. Member of Ernst Colony. Merchant. Paymaster in Blackhawk War 1832. Division Quarter Master in Illinois Militia - Colonel 1834. House of Representatives 1846-48.
Born in Pennsylvania. First store keeper in Vandalia for owner, William Kinney. House of Representatives 1828-29. Registrar of Vandalia Land Office. State Bank Commissioner 1835.
Wife, born in Kentucky, and son of James Hall, first Man of Letters in Illinois. State Treasurer 1827-31. President of first state historical society 1827-33. Author of first book of literary style in Illinois 1828. Trustee of Illinois College 182…
Born in Hanover. Died Feb. 3, 1847. Member of Ernst Colony. Builder and operator of Vandalia Hotel. Merchant. Daughter, Olivia Whiteman, friend of the Abraham Lincoln family, unveiled Madonna of the Trail statue.
Born in Kentucky. Father of James W. Berry. Territorial Auditor. State Auditor of Public Accounts 1819-31. Co-Editor of "Illinois Intelligencer", Kaskaskia 1817-20. President of State Bank 1837. Black Hawk War soldier. Father-in-law of Gov. W. L. …
Born in Kentucky. Circuit Clerk of Fayette County 1826-56. Adjutant General 1834-39. First talented artist of Illinois. Portrait painter of state officers and legislators. Commissioned by General Assembly to copy portraits of Washington and Lafaye…
Born in Hanover. Leader of Colony from Hanover, Germany. Came to Vandalia in 1819 with Frederick Hollman, who remained to build houses. Bearing all expenses, Ernst returned with colonists December, 1820. Director of State Bank, 1821. Trustee of Va…
Born in Kentucky. State Printer. Publisher of Laws of United States. Editor of newspaper "Illinois Intelligencer" 1825-32 and Co-Owner with James Hall 1829-32. House of Representatives 1832. Senate 1838-40. Black Hawk War soldier. —&mdash…
Born in Maryland. Clerk of First General Assembly of Illinois Territory, Kaskaskia 1812. Clerk of House of Representatives and of Legislative Council, 1815. Clerk of Constitutional Convention 1818. Secretary of Senate 1818-20. Chief Surveyor of To…