Historical Marker Search

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[Title is marker text]
Between the opening of the post in April, 1865, until its closing in October, 1882, about 150 burials were made at this cemetery. One of the earliest was that of the sixteen-year-old son of Henderson Boggs, a freighter. The boy was shot and scalpe…
The commanding officer's quarters was one of the last stone structures to be built. In the years before it was completed the officer and his family lived near the river in a four-room dugout, three feet below ground and four feet above. The hou…
The first post hospital was built in 1865 of sod with a flat [illegible] and no floor. Poor drainage, damp conditions, and rodent infestation [illegible] the building unsatisfactory. This one-story stone building was begun [illegible] and was comp…
Twin storehouses, each 130 ft. by 30 ft., and a bakery were the first stone buildings to be completed in 1867. The second storehouse stood a few yards to the east. The north ends of each building were partitioned to provide offices for post headqu…
Three barracks were completed in 1867, two built of stone and one of adobe. For about eighteen months, until the permanent buildings were finished, the men lived in seventy dugouts at the river bank. Each dugout accommodated four men, had bunks ca…
In the fall of 1867, the Fort Hays-Fort Dodge Road was developed to transport merchandise, mail and passengers from the newly founded railhead at Hays City to Fort Dodge and on to Santa Fe via the established route of the Santa Fe Trail. Thus, the…
The Fort Dodge "sutler" store and buildings stood near this location. The civilian who kept a store in connection with a fort was known as the "sutler." He paid a fee for a monopoly to conduct all buying and selling on the military reservation. He…
This fountain was presented tothe Kansas Soldiers Home byElizabeth Jacksonin memory of her son,James S. Wagnor,who lost his life Oct. 8, 1942while a Japanese prisoner of war.
Fort Dodge, named for Maj. Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, was established here in 1865. It was a supply depot and base of operations against warring Plains Tribes. Custer, Sheridan, Miles, Hancock, "Wild Bill" Hickok and "Buffalo Bill" Cody are figures …