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(Front):To the memory ofCorporal William H. Rihl.Co. C. 1st N.Y.(Lincoln) Cavalry.Who was killed on this spotJune 22, 1863(Left):The First Union Soldierkilled in actionin Pennsylvania(Back):An humble but bravedefender of the Union(Right):Erected b…
Here on October 12, 1794, President George Washington is said to have taken breakfast while passing through the area to suppress the "Whiskey Rebellion." This tavern, ca. 1700's, was owned by Robert McCullough and was also known as The Mansion Hou…
This tablet honors the memory ofCol. John AllisonWho, in 1782, founded Greencastle. Allison's Tavern, which stood on this site 200 years ago, was the beginning point of the survey which resulted in the streets and building lots that formed the tow…
This monument is dedicated to all the teachers and students who attended this school. Built in 1890 and completed in 1892, was known as Monterey Academy, and was a two room one story building that housed grades one through eight. In the school yea…
Enlisted by Meriwether Lewis as a private in the Lewis & Clark Expedition, 1803 - 1806; selected as a Sergeant in August, 1804. His carpentry and soldiering skills earned written commendation from Lewis. Gass later published his diaries of the Exp…
Name of grove selected by Gen. R.E. Lee for his headquarters, June 26-30, 1863. Here he issued the order for the concentration of troops near Gettysburg. Site of woods is just south of this point.
This church, the third building, stands on the site of a log church built in 1780 by the Lutheran and Reformed and used jointly by the congregations till 1808. The land was granted by Benjamin Chambers.
Recognized as the inventor of the first sleeping car in U.S. for use of travelers. The car, "Chambersburg", was operated as early as 1838 between Harrisburg and Chambersburg. He lies buried in graveyard at rear of church.
Built about 1807. Later, it was the home of Dr. Jacob Suesserott, a prominent physician, dentist and surgeon. The fire started by Confederate cavalry on July 30, 1864, was arrested at this point.
Consecrated in 1844, this cemetery provided a place for Jews to be properly buried under the requirement of Judaic law. Founded by Chevrah Kaddishah (Holy Burial Society), it is the first Jewish cemetery west of Philadelphia formed during a period…
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