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1861-1865Our Confederate DeadC.S.A.Hertford County ChapterU.D.C.
1915 The World War 1918Erected to the memory ofHertford County Heroeswho freely gave their allto their Country's call
They answered the call to arms
This monument was erected by agrateful community to honor andremember those men and women whoserved, fought and sacrificed toprotect and preserve the ideals andfreedom of our great nation.
In remembrance of th…
African American editor, lawyer, and civil rights advocate. Led Pittsburgh Courier, 1910-1940. He was born 4 miles east.
First in North Carolina, organized at Ahoskie in 1909 as the Corn Club. Beginning of present large organization of rural youth in state.
Compiler of roster of North Carolina troops, 1861-1865, historian, novelist, Confederate major. His birthplace, "Mulberry Grove," 1½ mi. E.
Founded in 1886 for blacks by Calvin S. Brown, pastor, Pleasant Plains Baptist Church. Later a public school named for Brown.
N.C. House of Representatives, N.C. State Senate (three terms), Mayor of Murfreesboro, Chairman of School Board, Democratic Party state executive, Committee and County chairman, son of Judge David Alexander Barnes and Bettie Vaughan Barnes
Associate Justice of N.C. Supreme Court 1975-1985, Superior Court Judge-131/2 years, served in 84 counties, N.C. State Senator-four terms, Mayor of Murfreesboro and Woodland, home: 407 East High Street
Lawyer-banker-statesman, Member N.C. House-Senate, Corporate & Utilities Commissioner 1930-1959-Chairman 22 yrs.-lowered N.C. electric rate, equalized No./So. freight rate, born in Main St. house, Main St. home & law office moved to historic district