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A one-room 14'x20' wooden building on the east side of Coteau Street served as Pierre's first schoolhouse. Eighteen students attended in 1881, closing when the public school opened in October of that same year. The little building was moved to v…
An Aricara lookout surprised by a Sioux War party and badly wounded, took flight to warn his kinsmen. He ran about one-half mile and keeled over dead. The Sioux, admiring his bravery, placed a rock for each drop of his blood and a cairn where he d…
Effigies are patterns on the land made by the careful placement of stones. There are over one hundred effigies in South Dakota. Created by American Indians, little is understood about the effigies. Archaeologists believe some mark significant plac…
In 1804-06, Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark lead about 40 soldiers and boatmen on an epic journey. President Thomas Jefferson commissioned this "Corps of Discovery" to find a rout to the Pacific Ocean through the newly acquired Louisia…
The landscape before you has undergone many changes since 1804. The Army's Corps of Discovery, headed by Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, passed through here heading west. The hill you are standing on is man-made, associated with the c…
This huge structure and its lake, 200 miles long, will cover a multitude of Historic Sites. Oahe is a Dacotah (Sioux) Indian word meaning "Something to stand upon," a foundation, and so it was that in 1875 Thomas L. Riggs, Congregational Missionar…
Side 1 On this, then private, pasture dotted with Sioux Effigies (see marker north 2 miles), Colonel Charles Lindbergh landed his Ryan monoplane, "The Spirit of Saint Louis", September 1st 1927 at exactly 4 pm. On May 21st he had been the fir…
This reproduction of the Liberty Bell was presented to the people of South Dakota by direction of The Honorable John W. Snyder Secretary of the TreasuryAs the inspirational symbol of theUnited States Savings Bonds Independence Drivefrom May 16 to …
TopDedicated to all men and women wounded in all our wars.FrontMy stone is red for the blood they shed. The medal I bear is my country;s way to show they care if I could be seen by all mankind. Maybe peace will come in my lifetime.
Dedicated to the brave sons of South Dakota who gave their lives to preserve liberty.Anno Domini MCMXXX